Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Chapter 8

Calvary Methodist Church

As a child my normal Sunday morning was to be in Church.

Calvary Methodist Church was the Church in the community of my Myrick grandparents. I believe my mother was the church pianist at that church for as long as I went there. Normally we would get up in Norlina and go to Church and Sunday school at Calvary. Aunt Clara was my Sunday school teacher. Uncle Clyde, aunt Clara, Jean and Carlton were also members at Calvary.

Preacher Davis was the preacher at Calvary. Calvary was on the Littleton Charge and I believe Preacher Davis only preached at the morning worship service about every two to four weeks. A Church Charge is an arrangement where two or three small rural churches will employ one preacher for their needs. Preacher Davis was on the Littleton Charge for several years, I do not recall another Preacher having that Charge when I was a child. Preacher Davis seemed close to the Myrick family, Uncle Clyde etc. Preacher Davis had a daughter named Jean Davis. I believe Jean Davis was a year or two younger than me. Jean Davis used to visit Carlton and Jean Myrick a lot. Jean Myrick still has contact with Jean Davis and I hear her speak of her often. Either Jean Davis or her husband has the medical problem that Courtney Perkinson or Bill Perkinson has.

The Calvary Methodist Church cemetery is where Daddy and Mama are buried. That is also where my Myrick grandparents are buried. There are several other Myrick relatives buried in that cemetery.

The church cemetery is well maintained. I believe Carlton Myrick is active in maintaining that cemetery. Prior to her death Vickie Camp was active in maintaining the cemetery.

The Myrick family reunion is held in the community building at Calvary and the reunion makes a donation to help keep up the cemetery.

After Church at Calvary the next stop was my Myrick grandparents house for Sunday dinner, visiting with friends and relatives and playing outside.

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